pgDay SF 2015: Call for Speakers and Sponsors

Use Postgres? In the San Francisco Bay Area? Maybe you're planning to attend FOSS4G-NA or EclipseCon? Well, join us as well! pgDay SF 2015 will be on March 10th in Burlingame, CA. We are currently looking for speakers and sponsors for the event.

pgDaySF will be a one-day, one track event held alongside FOSS4G North America and EclipseCon, allowing for cross-pollination among geo geeks, Java programmers, and PostgreSQL fans. We are looking for both user-oriented and advanced database talks, with a slant towards PostGIS. Interested? Submit a talk now. Submissions for full talks close on December 9th.

If your company uses or supports PostgreSQL, or markets products to PostgreSQL and PostGIS users, then you may want to sponsor the pgDay as well. Currently we're looking for one Sponsor and up to five Supporters. This is especially good for companies looking to hire PostgreSQL DBAs.

pgDay SF 2015 is sponsored by Google, 2ndQuadrant, EnterpriseDB, CitusData, and PostgreSQL Experts Inc..